Friday, September 12, 2008

Tales of Marsupials!

If ever you get the chance,
U.K., U.S., or anywhere else,
go check out The Wombats.

First off, they're amazing.
They put on an amazing show.
Tord thrashed all over the place.
He even jumped on the amp thing in front of me and it started sliding out.

It was pretty funny because everyone worked to push it back in, right away.
He didn't fall, thank goodness.

They, of course, started with Tales of Girls, Boys, and Marsupials.
I sang along, and I actually think I can clap to it with singing along now.
Which is new for me X]
They played Kill the Director, first.
Which is ironic because that was the first song I heard by them over a year ago.
Speaking of which, I think Tord was pretty impressed that I've been listening for so long.
They didn't play Postman Pat,
because apparently they stopped doing that.
But I got a few smiles for screaming that "Postman Pat" to them when they were performing.
And I didn't get to steal Cherub,
because apparently they forgot him on a plane.

They were all so nice.
I got them to sign my NME magazine, with them on the cover.
(What's this you say?  That's a British magazine?  But I live in the U.S.?  How did I manage that?)
I have my ways.
Dan seemed pretty impressed that I had it.

At the beginning of the show Dan walked onstage to fix his drums up.  I was so excited.  As he was walking off stage I shouted "Dan!"  He turned around.  "High five?" I asked.  He was about to, too, but had to go walk off stage.  He mouthed something about later.

After the show had ended I talked to Tord who was just hanging around in the general area.  He was all smiles.  :D  We were waiting outside for my dad to come.  I figured he'd call when he was there.  Murph walked out and my friend, my brother, and I talked to him.  I told him I liked his shoes (those clear converse, that are oh so rad) and asked him what kind of socks he was wearing.  He looked down and told me they were Hello Kitty ones.  I told him that Hello Kitty was taking over the world and he said that he was only wearing the socks because the shoes where see-through.  X]

I was afraid I wouldn't get my high-five.  I truly was.  I sat there when my friend turns her head and says "There's Dan!"  I looked to where she was looking and sure enough that was him.  I ran over there and when I got there I held up my hand, AND GOT MY HIGH FIVE!  YEAH!
While Dan was signing and taking pictures and all the fun stuff, Murph was getting a little impatient.  I could tell.  Despite being in the passenger seat, he was honking the horn.  Dan told us that they could wait for a minute.

After a little bit of talking we hear "GET IN THE MOTHER FUCKING BUS!"

Oh, that Murph!  X]

As Dan was walking towards the van, he tells us, "Yeah.  That's what we sing.  'Get in the mother fucking bus.'"  He hops in the van and they just take off.
Was it a good night?

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