Friday, September 26, 2008

singer girl friday

Today, I was hanging around with all the kids who were waiting for the bus to pick them up [I walk home].  I was talking to one of my friends.  This friend and I both love William Beckett's voice.  So I whipped out my phone and asked "Wanna hear William Beckett's voice?" [I bought 'His Girl Friday' as a ringtone, but use it as my alarm clock].  She answers with "Yeah!  sure."  For background reference, my friend has been trying to make me sign up for the music program for a while.  As I was playing the little clip I started singing along.  My friend says, "You know, I like your voice better than his."

This is either a ploy to make me drop one of my classes and sign up for music (which isn't going to happen) or that was a HELL of a compliment.  William Beckett has an amazing voice, and my friend is practically a professional singer (well, not really.  but close enough.)

We shall see, I suppose.  :]

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