Monday, September 1, 2008

Faith, Trust, & Pixie Dust

What if that was all it would take?
What if wishing on a star made your dreams come true?

I saw a shooting star a few nights ago.
And I wished on it.

I'm wishing my wish comes true.
It's fun to believe.
It gives you hope.
I'm hoping my wish comes true.

I can't doubt myself.
I refuse to doubt myself.
Because when I doubt myself bad things will follow.

My wish has to come true.
It has to.

I'd type it, right here, but then it won't come true.
So I can't.

Okay, so I attempt to write.
And I was feeling inspired.
I kind of hope that someday someone will find this, read it, and like it.
But that's not my wish.
Just kind of sitting there in the back of my mind.

My lips are sealed with sealing wax.
Tied together with a ribbon.
What a pretty package.
What's prettier is what's hidden.

The mind of the insane inside.
They push to talk but are going no where.
But all the colors fall align.
The skulls that hold their minds.

The music falls around the people.
but like water it ruins the perfect hair.
but to those that don't care and frolic with ease.
it's nothing more than hypnotic, a tease.

and if this song means nothing.
but if this song means something.
make a mountain out of a molehill.
and start sanding against the grain.

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