Friday, September 26, 2008

singer girl friday

Today, I was hanging around with all the kids who were waiting for the bus to pick them up [I walk home].  I was talking to one of my friends.  This friend and I both love William Beckett's voice.  So I whipped out my phone and asked "Wanna hear William Beckett's voice?" [I bought 'His Girl Friday' as a ringtone, but use it as my alarm clock].  She answers with "Yeah!  sure."  For background reference, my friend has been trying to make me sign up for the music program for a while.  As I was playing the little clip I started singing along.  My friend says, "You know, I like your voice better than his."

This is either a ploy to make me drop one of my classes and sign up for music (which isn't going to happen) or that was a HELL of a compliment.  William Beckett has an amazing voice, and my friend is practically a professional singer (well, not really.  but close enough.)

We shall see, I suppose.  :]

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm Reed Fish

I just got finished watching the movie "I'm Reed Fish."  The videography was just beautiful.  Normally, I'm not a movie person, but this was just gorgeous.  Check it out some time.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

street teamer. *does dance*

I won't miss this concert for anything. I cannot wait!
I think everyone should go.
This will be my first time seeing all the bands except one.
Who I saw on May 9th.
Who are the reason I'm going to this concert.

Oh, and did I mention that I cannot wait?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

subliminal messages

Look familiar?
If not, look around.

I found this shirt in Forever 21, yesterday, and had to have it.
I'll be advertising my blog without anyone (unless I've told you) knowing.

How pathetic am I?

thinking on crowds and motion city soundtrack

I was just thinking back to the Honda Civic Tour. It was my first concert without a parent and the crowd was drifting back and forth.  Violently.  It was pretty hectic. We (me and my friend) figured that when you guys walked on stage it would be worst of all. We didn't know how to handle the thrashing of large crowds. We were bracing for impact. I remember you saw the audience and told us to 'fucking stop.' the crowd stopped for a little and then started again. You were in the middle of a song and stopped it anyway. Just to tell us to stop. The crowd finally did stop. Thank you.

I know how to handle these crowds a little better now.
(Thanks to the Honda Civic Tour)
I know how to go with the flow.
(Thanks to the Final Riot Tour)
I know how to push people away.
(Thanks to the Devo concert)

All at the same venue, too.

Thank you for helping us out anyway. It made the concert much more bearable.

"I guess you could say that we really are Behind the Sea."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Backstage, Bitches!

Maybe these shoes will have some kind of magical powers that get me backstage.


That would be a fail of a thought.

These are just pictures of the left shoe:



*I do believe in fairies.  I do!  I do!*

P.S. And yes, I do wear plaid.  X]

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"she must have been a bad nut"

I tried out for the role of Veruca Salt in the children's play at school, yesterday. At first I really wanted the part, now I'm glad I didn't get it.  It would have interfered with a concert that I WILL NOT, [lemme repeat that] WILL NOT miss.

I will never miss them live as long as I can help it.
[Favorite band?  Oh yeah.]

So, lately I've been occupying myself with a little something called post secret.
Ever hear of it?  Yeah, probably.

Some are really encouraging, some are just down right depressing.
They interesting nevertheless.

Here are a bunch of my favorites:

Monday, September 15, 2008

i can feel it coming on

here comes the depression.
brace yourself for impact.

uggh.  i feel so terrible.
in one fell swoop someone can make me feel like crap.
i'm not even sure they did it on purpose.

hold on tight
it's gonna be a bumpy ride
for how long i don't know

i'm making this up
as i go along
for how long i don't know

and keep me from slipping
keep me from falling

i can feel the dampness of the bottom of the well

keep me from slipping
keep me from falling

before this concussion begins to swell

Sunday, September 14, 2008

dear you,

i remember i had a pair of converse that on one side said 'love' and one side said 'hate.' i remember that after being told you had the same pair i hated them. because i hated you. i thought you were a douche. and i guess it's people like me that are the reason you have come to think of yourself as one. i had no basis upon hating you. it seems like a distant time even.

i no longer believe that you are a douche. i am sorry that i ever did. i just hope maybe you'll forgive yourself one day and realize that there are so many people that believe in you, and all the great things that you can do.

i don't think you are a douche. i probably have no basis for this assumption, either. but i'd like to think i'm right, this time.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Tales of Marsupials!

If ever you get the chance,
U.K., U.S., or anywhere else,
go check out The Wombats.

First off, they're amazing.
They put on an amazing show.
Tord thrashed all over the place.
He even jumped on the amp thing in front of me and it started sliding out.

It was pretty funny because everyone worked to push it back in, right away.
He didn't fall, thank goodness.

They, of course, started with Tales of Girls, Boys, and Marsupials.
I sang along, and I actually think I can clap to it with singing along now.
Which is new for me X]
They played Kill the Director, first.
Which is ironic because that was the first song I heard by them over a year ago.
Speaking of which, I think Tord was pretty impressed that I've been listening for so long.
They didn't play Postman Pat,
because apparently they stopped doing that.
But I got a few smiles for screaming that "Postman Pat" to them when they were performing.
And I didn't get to steal Cherub,
because apparently they forgot him on a plane.

They were all so nice.
I got them to sign my NME magazine, with them on the cover.
(What's this you say?  That's a British magazine?  But I live in the U.S.?  How did I manage that?)
I have my ways.
Dan seemed pretty impressed that I had it.

At the beginning of the show Dan walked onstage to fix his drums up.  I was so excited.  As he was walking off stage I shouted "Dan!"  He turned around.  "High five?" I asked.  He was about to, too, but had to go walk off stage.  He mouthed something about later.

After the show had ended I talked to Tord who was just hanging around in the general area.  He was all smiles.  :D  We were waiting outside for my dad to come.  I figured he'd call when he was there.  Murph walked out and my friend, my brother, and I talked to him.  I told him I liked his shoes (those clear converse, that are oh so rad) and asked him what kind of socks he was wearing.  He looked down and told me they were Hello Kitty ones.  I told him that Hello Kitty was taking over the world and he said that he was only wearing the socks because the shoes where see-through.  X]

I was afraid I wouldn't get my high-five.  I truly was.  I sat there when my friend turns her head and says "There's Dan!"  I looked to where she was looking and sure enough that was him.  I ran over there and when I got there I held up my hand, AND GOT MY HIGH FIVE!  YEAH!
While Dan was signing and taking pictures and all the fun stuff, Murph was getting a little impatient.  I could tell.  Despite being in the passenger seat, he was honking the horn.  Dan told us that they could wait for a minute.

After a little bit of talking we hear "GET IN THE MOTHER FUCKING BUS!"

Oh, that Murph!  X]

As Dan was walking towards the van, he tells us, "Yeah.  That's what we sing.  'Get in the mother fucking bus.'"  He hops in the van and they just take off.
Was it a good night?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008



so this isn't really going to be a weekly installment in my blog, but that's okay.
Listen to these songs anyway.

I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
by Black Kids

Dawn of the Dead
by Does It Offend You, Yeah?

Paper Planes
by M.I.A.

by Hey Monday

Tomorrow, I go see The Wombats.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

OH, the inconsistencies.

Yeah, so because I am a bad child, I often get my computer taken away.

I get it back eventually.
Like now,
I have my computer back.

But I am blogging now.
Even though no one reads this.

"I'm a mess and you're worse
Just give me time to give you a waste of time
One of those nights
When you leave me for no reason
I'll give you a reason."
-One of THOSE Nights by The Cab

They're amazing.  Go out and buy Whisper War.  Or see them on the Why So Serious Tour or, more importantly, THE ROCKBAND LIVE TOUR!  That was just you're friendly spazz out of the day.

School started last week.
I am not letting myself fall this year.
I will prevail.
Take that AP.  You will not get the best of me this year.
I have a can do attitude right now.
Don't push me.

Especially when I wake up to "His Girl Friday," everyday.
It's a good wake-up call.  A real good one.

I hope everyone is having a good week.
I will be seeing one of my favorite bands on Thursday,
so I know my week is gonna rock.

Especially because of how few people in this country know not of who this band is.
I discovered them on myspace.
They only recently just started getting some airtime on MTV here.
But I am glad they are.
I hope they take this country by storm, eventually.
But I want to be able to say I was one of the first to be there.

P.S. Was it me or did the VMA's suck something rather major, this year?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Faith, Trust, & Pixie Dust

What if that was all it would take?
What if wishing on a star made your dreams come true?

I saw a shooting star a few nights ago.
And I wished on it.

I'm wishing my wish comes true.
It's fun to believe.
It gives you hope.
I'm hoping my wish comes true.

I can't doubt myself.
I refuse to doubt myself.
Because when I doubt myself bad things will follow.

My wish has to come true.
It has to.

I'd type it, right here, but then it won't come true.
So I can't.

Okay, so I attempt to write.
And I was feeling inspired.
I kind of hope that someday someone will find this, read it, and like it.
But that's not my wish.
Just kind of sitting there in the back of my mind.

My lips are sealed with sealing wax.
Tied together with a ribbon.
What a pretty package.
What's prettier is what's hidden.

The mind of the insane inside.
They push to talk but are going no where.
But all the colors fall align.
The skulls that hold their minds.

The music falls around the people.
but like water it ruins the perfect hair.
but to those that don't care and frolic with ease.
it's nothing more than hypnotic, a tease.

and if this song means nothing.
but if this song means something.
make a mountain out of a molehill.
and start sanding against the grain.