Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Last Night.

Last night, me and my friend went to see Teddy Geiger in concert.  I really enjoyed it.  A lot of the time he was hidden behind his piano, but the music was always good.  He's a really talented musicians.

And a lot of really talented musicians have tortured souls.

So my friend and I decided to wait to see if we could meet him.  There was this huge line, so we decided to wait on the side until the line was gone.  As we're watching him, we notice things.  Like the way he was always tapping his fingers impatiently.  The way he was tapping his feet.  The way every time he would "smile" it wasn't.  He looked miserable.  He looked like he didn't want to be there.

I managed giving some guy to give him one of my hand made guitar picks.  If he ever decides to do anything with it, that's fine.  If he doesn't that's also fine.

He's got such a pretty face and the sadness really takes away from it.

I seriously wish there was something I could do to make him feel better.  But the best thing we figured we could do, was just give him some space.

It really upset me to see him like that.

Pictures from the actual music part will be up on my Flickr soon.  But not from the meet-and-greet-ish thing.  I was too heartbroken to take any pictures at that time.

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