Saturday, May 3, 2008

i will survive, I WILL SURVIVE!

To combat my blatant need for a new blog entry from a certain bassist, I have gone in search of other blogs that I find interesting.
Here is my list, so far tonight:

This guy takes cartoon characters and makes them seem very realistic. I especially like the Homer one that he did because the eyes are just so dang creepy.

A blog all about GREEN. Recycling and all that jazz. But it get's taken a step further. It's mostly stuff that isn't in the spotlight or stuff you would think to recycle.

The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks
Ha! I loved this one. It's a blog "devoted" to "unnecessary" quotation marks. What can be cooler? Don't. Even. Go there, about how there are cooler things. It was a rhetorical question.

Illustration Friday Night
A blog against censorship in art. Although, some of it I don't agree with because it seems like going-against-the-man for going-against-the-man's sake, there is a lot of really nice art. I love the concept of not censoring, in a non-censorship way. ****!

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