my regular computer is dead
i'm really pissed off right now, but wouldn't you be too?
all i wanted were some guitar tabs.
i find a fried computer.
and now i'm ranting for no one and everyone to read.
no one because no one really reads this anyway.
everyone because everyone who wants to read this, can.
emachines can choke on a pickle.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
a name with an unneeded vowel in the beginning doesn't mean anything
Posted by SuperJade at 9:06 PM View Comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
i don't ever want to feel
just kind of popped into my mind.
Posted by SuperJade at 7:36 AM View Comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
i can't stand the smell of beef too well
if i have to, i will. and i try not to be rude about it. i just noticed i kind of get a little bit sick when i smell cooked beef. oh well.
happy memorial day to all.
i hope you all got snazzy guitars, too.
you didn't?
sucks for you!
Posted by SuperJade at 6:30 PM View Comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
not that anyone really reads my blog anyway, sorry i haven't been blogging it up lately.
everyone should start listening to empires. they are amazing.
i got a guitar a little over three hours ago.
oh and go check out tom conrad's [of empires] photography. i pretty much worship it.
Posted by SuperJade at 8:24 PM View Comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
so, sue me
her name is autumn de wilde. she takes some amazing photos. she also does a lot of work for the whites tripes and the raconteurs. i think she's friends with jack white or something(how cool would that be?). check 'em out by pressing the link below:
Autumn de Wilde
Posted by SuperJade at 9:23 PM View Comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
To see a woman in your dream, represents nurturance, passivity, caring nature, and love. It refers to your own female aspects or may also represent your mother.
To dream that you are a celebrity, signifies your high aspirations that may be way beyond your reach at the present moment. You may just be setting yourself for a let-down. If you dream that a friend or lover becomes a celebrity, then it denotes your fear of losing the friendship and loyalty of this person.
To see a celebrity in your dream, represents your beliefs and understanding about him or her. Something in you waking life has triggered these similar beliefs and feelings. It is not uncommon that your obsession with a certain celebrity may carry over onto your dream world. Celebrities are often seen as heroes and all that is mighty. Also consider any puns within the name.
Black symbolizes the unknown, unconscious, danger, mystery, darkness, death, mourning, hate or malice.
If the feeling in the dream is one of joy, blackness could imply hidden spirituality and divine qualities.
Blue represents truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. The presence of this color in your dream, may symbolize your spiritual guide and your optimism of the future. You have clarity of mind.
To see your friends in your dream, signifies aspects of your personality that you have rejected, but are ready to integrate these rejected part of yourself. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself. Additionally, this symbol foretells of happy tidings from them and the arrival of good news.
To dream that you are at work, indicates that you are experiencing some anxiety about a current project or task. The dream may also be telling you that you need to "get back to work".� Perhaps you have been slacking and need to pick up the pace.
To dream that you are hard at work, signifies success and merit. Alternatively, it may suggest anxieties about a current task or project. You may need to "get back to work" and stop procrastinating.
To see a boat in your dream, signifies you ability to cope and express your emotions. Pay particular attention to the condition and state of the waters, whether is is calm or violent, clear or murky, etc. Are you "smooth sailing"? Alternatively, you may be ready to confront your unconscious and unknown aspects of yourself.
To dream that you are on a boat, denotes fruitful endeavors and that your plans will go off without a hitch. Luck will be right beside you.
To dream that you are seasick, represents emotions that are dragging you and weighing you down. You need to get rid of these feelings.
If you are being laughed at, then it indicates your insecurities and fears of not being accepted.
To see someone else crying in your dream, may be a projection of your own feelings onto someone else. If you do not cry in your waking life, then seeing someone else cry may be a little easier to deal with then seeing yourself cry.
To dream that you are reaching for something or someone, signifies a yearning or desire for something you do not have. The dream may also be symbolic of an emotional void in your life which you are trying to fill.
Source: Dream Moods
Anyone know how to interpret:
Concert, New Years, Roadie, Messing Up, Sympathy, Not being able to reach out to someone who is right there; no obstacles in my way?
I had the weirdest dream a couple of nights ago. I just wonder what it means. Here's my collection so far.
Posted by SuperJade at 5:16 PM View Comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
agent triple-zero reporting for duty
Such a cutie.
sometimes i'm in such the mood that i want to go back to the cartoons i barely remember. and then realize how much cooler they are.
Posted by SuperJade at 9:59 PM View Comments
"no! you lookin' bettah!"
This came up in a conversation a couple of days ago and I couldn't remember what it was called.
Silly puppy is afraid of kitty-cats.
Posted by SuperJade at 9:53 PM View Comments
fly away with the one that you love
see the stars that have long since died
open up to the world around
send my heart come crashing down
watch the sheep go jumping over
through the night everybody sleeps
melting words follow your voice
and let us all hope that you make the right choice
i was bored
i wrote lyrics
like them?
Posted by SuperJade at 7:19 AM View Comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
silly child from the suburbs
i'm going to start teaching myself blink-182 songs and see if they help me.
it helped my favorite guitarist, so, you know, if it works try it for yourself.
i don't know.
if i'm ever a famous guitarist, it'll be because of my favorite guitarist because of blink-182.
and everyone in the universe will be reading this blog.
silly thoughts, silly thoughts.
i wonder if my letter ended up in la poubelle or if it actually made it into a [very colorful] tourbus.
Posted by SuperJade at 11:12 PM View Comments
les dove
"make your eyes twinkle."
"be fearless."
"temptation is fun... giving in is even better."
"listen to your heartbeat and dance."
i like the last one best.
what did your chocolate tell you?
Posted by SuperJade at 10:58 PM View Comments
contemplate, frustrate
"If you do get to play the drums, or any other instrument, for a living, it should be fun. It should be amazing"
Posted by SuperJade at 10:56 PM View Comments
rumor has it
rumor has it
that today a vow will be made
a million hearts will be crushed
and a battle will begin
ooh, vague and creepy
Posted by SuperJade at 3:29 PM View Comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
my voice above all else
i was looking at video of the concert i went to
(best concert of my life)
i found one with me shouting my love for the lead singer
i was really obnoxious that night
and nobody else at the venue had enough balls to be obnoxious, either
my throat hurt, too
i was sick that night
there i am
in a video that was filmed by someone i don't know
with my favorite band
shouting my love for the lead singer
a little excited?
"un petit peux"
Posted by SuperJade at 6:03 PM View Comments
i was watching your untitled rock show and saw this.
yes. very much so.
Posted by SuperJade at 4:18 PM View Comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
these people
i really wonder what it's like to be some of the people that i look up to. what was it like to be them when they were children? what is it like to be them now? what do they think about people like me looking up to them? does it creep them out? do they think it's neat? i really hope it's the second one.
there are just some people i really look up to in the music industry. i think some of them are the greatest thing since sliced bread. i just kind of wonder what they would think about me thinking that.
Posted by SuperJade at 9:17 PM View Comments
this will make you shudder
i had a tick on my head that was about the size of a peanut.
when i had it taken off it's little tiny red legs where still moving around.
i am still sick to my stomach about it.
it was the biggest tick i have ever seen
and i hope you never have to experience anything like finding it.
(as long as you don't find a deer tick, either)
Posted by SuperJade at 5:02 PM View Comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
ello, ello duck-eez
i want to meet the guy in the middle
the one acting like he is wonked out of his mind
eating the flower
well, yeah, i want to meet the band, too
but that guy is the director
he controls the world
Posted by SuperJade at 9:58 PM View Comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
for your viewing pleasure
oh, that ashton kutcher
funny guy
bad quality, i know, but it was such a good sketch
Posted by SuperJade at 10:41 PM View Comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
hoping to be sick tomorrow, at least
especially if i am sick today (OF ALL DAYS; Gawddamn)if i am sick tomorrow, i no gots to go somewhere unpleasant. we'll see.
Posted by SuperJade at 4:03 PM View Comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
and what was his mother thinking?
this kid finally stopped wearing this jersey he had been wearing for 1,581 days straight. eww.
After 4 Years, Boy Retires Favre Jersey
forgive the short post, today. i have had things occupying my mind so i couldn't come up with anything good. after i'm done being sick, my posts will get better, i promise.
Posted by SuperJade at 8:48 PM View Comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
it's the greatest thing that's had to have happened
my wait is drawing nearer and nearer to a close.
tickets have been purchased.
arrangements have been made.
now, i must wait to feel better
and a few days.
i shall grab my hat and fetch a camera
Posted by SuperJade at 6:28 PM View Comments
i am made of bricks
i feel like SHIT. i woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep, my throat and mouth are filled with mucus, my body feels too heavy to support, and i almost gagged while brushing my teeth. and if i miss the concert because of this I WILL FLIP. it's my first time not only going to a concert all on my lonesome(without the pair'o'rents) and it is my favorite band.
they are so cool. if i miss it, i'll die.
on a different note:
it was a sad day in history when i heard these guys broke up. it was especially bad for one of my friends who just started getting into their music.
Posted by SuperJade at 7:31 AM View Comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
he cheats. he always cheats.
My brothers say they're scarred for life. I don't think I am.
Is Jack gay or straight? Or does he just like sex? Hmmm. He won't ever die, so why not just fuck 'em all.
Ahh, I am such a wannabe Brit.
Posted by SuperJade at 9:31 PM View Comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
this is super blob.

i made him a while ago
i made him myself
he's pretty rad
he's also the worse super hero ever
but has a love of life
and ice cream
according to him; ice cream solves all problems
you wish that you had a super blob.
that will be all
Posted by SuperJade at 6:25 PM View Comments
we're not the same/ i will wear that on my sleeve
The Wombats (from what I hear) have been taking the UK by storm. I just wish they had the same effect in the US. They are one of my favorite bands, but barely anyone I know knows about them; and those people I know that know of them, know of them because of me.
sad, isn't it?
The Wombats Website
The Wombats Myspace
The Wombats Youtube Channel
Posted by SuperJade at 3:01 PM View Comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
i will survive, I WILL SURVIVE!
To combat my blatant need for a new blog entry from a certain bassist, I have gone in search of other blogs that I find interesting.
Here is my list, so far tonight:
This guy takes cartoon characters and makes them seem very realistic. I especially like the Homer one that he did because the eyes are just so dang creepy.
A blog all about GREEN. Recycling and all that jazz. But it get's taken a step further. It's mostly stuff that isn't in the spotlight or stuff you would think to recycle.
The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks
Ha! I loved this one. It's a blog "devoted" to "unnecessary" quotation marks. What can be cooler? Don't. Even. Go there, about how there are cooler things. It was a rhetorical question.
Illustration Friday Night
A blog against censorship in art. Although, some of it I don't agree with because it seems like going-against-the-man for going-against-the-man's sake, there is a lot of really nice art. I love the concept of not censoring, in a non-censorship way. ****!
Posted by SuperJade at 10:46 PM View Comments
those people that work in cubicles
I found this awesome blog started by a guy who randomly doodled on post-it notes while at work. His idea grew to a whole bunch of other people doing the same. Some of the things posted are really good. Others are really funny.

I don't go to work, but I do go to school and I doodle on post-it notes, too. I think I'll send something later on.
The Post-It Project
Posted by SuperJade at 7:49 PM View Comments
If you're the relative of someone famous and you actually know the person you can bash on them all you want. I hope one of my relatives gets famous so I can say something mean about them and actually have reason for it. I don't get why people decide to get angry at people just for the heck of it (and this is sounding more hypocritical as I go on, but bear with me) but if you actually know the person and have and reason to be angry at them, that's a different story.
Just something I noticed.
Posted by SuperJade at 7:03 PM View Comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
i am a god(dess)
I'm friends with a friend.
And I gave her a message
to give to a band
to get them on the radio.
I don't even think I've listened to them
I obviously don't know them
but here I am
doing my part.
How cool am I?
Smiting Shillelaghs
Posted by SuperJade at 11:01 PM View Comments
This looks really coolio. Yeah, I just said "coolio." You got a problem with that? Deal with it.
I still think this is amazing. Cassette Tape Dispenser. Peeshaw.
The Link: Click It!
Posted by SuperJade at 3:58 PM View Comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
is this fun to watch while high?
This video is really neat. I don't understand it one bit, but I adore it, nevertheless.
CaptainLuku Youtube Channel
Lukukuku on deviantART
Lukutown Myspace
Posted by SuperJade at 9:53 PM View Comments
High School Musical! Lyk Ttly!
Some producers from High School Musical are coming to my school, tonight.
And so is Kelly Ripa.
It's kind of really cool, I love High School Musical. I don't know who Kelly Ripa is, though. I'll go look it up.
"Kelly Maria Ripa (born October 2, 1970) an American Daytime Emmy Award-winning actress, television personality and talk show host. Since February 2001,[1] she has served as the co-host of Live with Regis and Kelly. Earlier in her career, Ripa played Hayley Vaughan Santos on All My Children; she also played Faith Fairfield on Hope & Faith. Both are television series on ABC."
-from wikipedia
Oh, Regis and Kelly. That's who she is? Never mind.
Posted by SuperJade at 5:40 PM View Comments