This is much too long over due.
Thanks for being such a good friend to everyone.
I wish there could be more people like you in the world.
I know everyone misses you.
I know I do.
It really is a shame, the things that happen.
Goodnight, James.
August 24, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Rest In Peace
Posted by SuperJade at 10:07 PM View Comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
On Vacation
Okay. Just because I'm on vacation doesn't mean I'm not going to blog.
Just a little differently.
I'm sitting on a balcony looking out to the Gulf of Mexico.
It's quite nice.
Especially, after two days in a car to get here.
That was a killer.
Oh, I might as well show you what the view looks like, too.

It is nice, isn't it.
You must be extremely jealous.
Now if there was something we could do about this heat.
Posted by SuperJade at 12:15 PM View Comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Yao Ming and Verne Troyer
I remember seeing the commercial and laughing my ass off.
Posted by SuperJade at 10:07 AM View Comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Stop Teasing Me, Won't You Take It Easy
So tonight was AMAZING.
Posted by SuperJade at 1:04 AM View Comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I just got back from the Empires concert.
It was absolutely incredible.
I couldn't stop jumping and tapping to the beat the whole time.
Everything they played off the album sounded exactly like it sounded on the album.
I took some video from what they said was a new song.
It's a lot shaky, because despite the fact I didn't know what it was, it was really good.
I met Sean Van Vleet, Tom Conrad, and Max Steger.
I told Tom that I adore his photography.
They were all amazing.
I hope to catch them next time they go on tour!

I'm feeling kind of lazy, right now.
Posted by SuperJade at 10:35 PM View Comments
Concerts(plural noun)
Getting ready for Empires tonight.
It's gonna be bloody mazing.
They're gonna tear the house down.
Getting ready for Paramore/Phantom Planet tomorrow.
I hope Phantom Planet do an acoustic set.
Really badly.
Alex Greenwald is the shit.
Posted by SuperJade at 12:37 PM View Comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I saw this commercial last night during the olympics.
I adore it.
I've always loved Rhapsody in Blue since Fantasia 2000.
which segway's me into this
Fantasia 2000 really opened my eyes to a lot of great music.
Although, enjoying art the way that i do
i quite liked the animation :]
Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin
Pines of Rome by Ottorino Respighi
Firebird Suite- 1919 Version by Igor Stravinsky
Posted by SuperJade at 3:40 PM View Comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
the olympics
watching the parade of nations
is really quite eye opening
because you watch all these people
all these nations
and you realize how we're all related
how similar we all are.
every time a country walks in
someone announces their name
not just on television
but in the family room as well
jamaica walks in and i can hear my next door neighbor screaming.
israelwalks in and my grandmother is screaming.
uruguay walks in and i'm thinking of gabe saporta, silly, i know.
i can almost smell how good the indian people probably smell.
i know my cousins are screaming their heads off when the canadians walk by.
i used to go to school with someone from argentina, now i babysit his sister on saturdays.
my dad, when he claps, it's really loud, and that's what we hear when latvia walks in.
my brother is discussing how one of the divers from great britain is his age.
i'm watching france walk in and smirking, because i'd probably understand most of what their saying.
my brother shouts "america!" as the u.s.a. walks on.
my brother is friends with an irish punk band, so when ireland walks in he yells "defiance."
across the street from me, i have neighbors from haiti.
i'm thinking of one of my friends when the philippines walk on, he's from there and he goes there almost every summer.
and my neighbors are probably joyed when they see vietnam walk on.
i have to point out portugal to my grandma but when she notices it's them i can hear the smile on her face.
new zealand walks on and now i'm thinking of stereogram, a band barely anyone remembers, but are/were really good.
those from italy look as if they are all part of one big extended family
my brother mentions a friend of his who moved back to serbia when the serbian team walks on.
a man from germany has the five rings shaved off from his hair, it's that kind of excitement that is fun to watch.
austrailia looks like they are having a blast. i think of michael guy chislett. always with the bands, but when it applies, i like to make mention.
i watch spain walk through
raphael nadal is a tennis player
and he is gorgeous
my grandmother is saying that he is cute too
my family and i were arguing over whether or not the green shirts of the lithuanians were a good choice
i thought they were pretty
antigua is pronounced an-tee-gah
and not an-tee-gWa
a guy from finland looked like he did the shut up and let me go sign
it made me chuckle just a little
at where my mind is, and all
both canada and the u.s.a.
upon noticing cameras
excitedly scream, shout, and cheer towards them
my grandmother keeps asking
"where are the netharlands? where are the netherlands?"
austria are filled with glee and energy as they walk in
starting a group cheer
one guy walked in holding his nations flag in one hand.
perfectly straight.
i think he was from denmark.
and the look on his face was unlike any else.
what a look of pride.
finally, out walks china
with a face that even i recognize holding the flag
a mr. yao ming
next to him is a little kid
lin hao
who saved some of his classmates
because he felt it was his job as the hall monitor
yao keeps putting the edge of the flag in the boys face
just for giggles.
it's beautiful watching all the people walk through
holding their cameras and camcorders
and laughing with their friends
all the smiles are beautiful.
especially on the flag holders.
their smiles are brightest.
i wonder how they must feel at that moment in time.
the guy looks like he is running across the top of the stadium.
and the city goes up in fireworks.
how amazing.
how beautiful.
Posted by SuperJade at 9:43 PM View Comments